Mission & Vision

About Us > Mission Vision

Vision and Mission of Saint Augustine School – Tanza – Main Campus


We commit ourselves to become a leading and dynamic institution in the holistic formation of the Filipino youth and other stakeholders with a strong Catholic identity, active in fulfilling the mission of the Church, nationalistic, and responsible stewards of God’s creations, with the guidance of Saint Augustine, our patron saint.



We, members of Saint Augustine School, envision ourselves as a Christ – centered community of empowered, responsible and disciplined Filipinos actively committed to God’s plan of Total  Human Development towards a morally-upright and renewed society.



•Faithful and respectful

•Responsible and Law- abiding

•Honest and fair

•Helpful and considerate of others

•Productive and innovative

•Competent and globally competitive

•Reflective and critical thinker

•Confident with a positive outlook in life

•Committed and Willing to serve

•Loyal and grateful to Saint Augustine School

Our graduates shall be

Warm and Simple

Clean and Healthy in Lifestyle

Reflective and Critical Thinkers

Eloquent Communicators

Responsible and Competent in Modern Technology

Innovative and Resourceful

Purposeful and Decisive

Ethical and Moral Servant-Leaders

Globally Competitive and Locally Active

Loyal and Grateful to their Alma Mater